Newsletter & Communications

Keeping the community informed and engaged, while chronicling our shared history.

The Palmerston Area Residents’ Association Newsletter supports the PARA community with articles and pictures about our community, from local development and environmental issues, to community events. Our publication is printed and distributed to every household twice a year, late fall/winter and spring in time for our annual AGM by a team of dedicated volunteers. The newsletter is available on line in full colour here, including back issues, which are available for your perusal.

If you’d like to volunteer with the newsletter, fill out our Volunteer with PARA form, indicating your area of interest.

PARA members also receive regular e-blasts about community events and issues. Sign up for Membership and get on the mailing list!


  • Frumie Diamond (Editor & Coordinator)

  • Fernanda Pisani (Creative Director)

  • Tom Churchill (Copy Editing)

  • James Choy

  • Nick Forsyth

  • Kei Yano